Children's Ministry

We base our ministry on Three fundamental truths:

God Sees You- You are important!
God Knows You- You are unique and precious in His sight!
God Loves You- Nothing can separate you from His eternal love!

We live and teach these truths through weekly and special event programs. 

Summer Time SundayS

 Church Services Family Friendly

Sunday Services at RCFUMC are FAMILY FRIENDLY!
We welcome your children to join us during the worship hour. To help children have the most meaningful worship experience, we have created Children’s Worship Bulletins specific to today’s sermon.
Click on the buttons below to view and download the bulletins.

Children can also find copies of The Adventure Bible in the pews that they can use to follow along with today’s scripture.

For those with extra wiggles, there are Worship Bags located at the entrance to the sanctuary.

The Nursery is always available to parents and children under 5 years of age.
At the 9 am service, the nursery is staffed with caring teachers ready to have fun!
Please ask today’s ushers if you need any assistance locating worship aids or the nursery!

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