Scripture Circle
Sunday, July 14: 12:00-3:30pm
Lunch in the parlor at noon
Class will take place in the Chapel and will be led by Julie Stoll.
Please bring your favorite bible and something for note-taking.
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20
Adult Discipleship As we grow in our Christian walk, it becomes vital to continue to study God’s
word and how it applies to our everyday life. It is also imperative that we contemplate ways to
serve our community. As a member of the Adult Discipleship Team, you can help plan adult
education and service opportunities. This team is a wonderful opportunity to give voice to your
ideas for the direction and discipleship possibilities that you would like to see take shape in our
church. If you are interested in being a member of the team, please contact Anne Torgerson.
You don’t have to be an expert or make a commitment to teach or lead.
All that is required is an interest in discipleship growth for our congregation.
Check out the available studies and other adult opportunities on the page below or contact our Education Director, Anne Torgerson.
word and how it applies to our everyday life. It is also imperative that we contemplate ways to
serve our community. As a member of the Adult Discipleship Team, you can help plan adult
education and service opportunities. This team is a wonderful opportunity to give voice to your
ideas for the direction and discipleship possibilities that you would like to see take shape in our
church. If you are interested in being a member of the team, please contact Anne Torgerson.
You don’t have to be an expert or make a commitment to teach or lead.
All that is required is an interest in discipleship growth for our congregation.
Check out the available studies and other adult opportunities on the page below or contact our Education Director, Anne Torgerson.
Men's Bible Study
Monday's 5:00-6:00pm
Also available on Zoom: Contact Pastor Rich for the link
In this study, Simply Jesus, participants will be immersed in the 1st Century A.D. context of the life, work, teachings, and actions of Jesus of Nazareth. The goal of the study is to look at the story of Jesus from the perspective of a historian. Too many times Jesus of Nazareth becomes interpreted as simply another 'religious figure' among many religious figures. But this so often eliminates the understanding of a man who lived in time and space at a critical time of history.
This study is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected. In this way it is meant to give a basic understanding of Jesus as a figure in history primarily.
Prof. N.T. Wright will speak on key biblical texts to walk the student through the different elements that constitute the story of Jesus. In addition there you will have discussion questions to help you think more intently about the material presented.
This study tries to focus on essential biblical texts and non-biblical historical material to embrace the larger story of a Jesus of history. This study uses Prof. Wright's book, Simply Jesus. In Simply Jesus, bestselling author and leading Bible scholar N.T. Wright summarizes 200 years of modern Biblical scholarship and models how Christians can best retell the story of Jesus today. In a style similar to C.S. Lewis’s popular works, Wright breaks down the barriers that prevent Christians from fully engaging with the story of Jesus.
In this study, Simply Jesus, participants will be immersed in the 1st Century A.D. context of the life, work, teachings, and actions of Jesus of Nazareth. The goal of the study is to look at the story of Jesus from the perspective of a historian. Too many times Jesus of Nazareth becomes interpreted as simply another 'religious figure' among many religious figures. But this so often eliminates the understanding of a man who lived in time and space at a critical time of history.
This study is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected. In this way it is meant to give a basic understanding of Jesus as a figure in history primarily.
Prof. N.T. Wright will speak on key biblical texts to walk the student through the different elements that constitute the story of Jesus. In addition there you will have discussion questions to help you think more intently about the material presented.
This study tries to focus on essential biblical texts and non-biblical historical material to embrace the larger story of a Jesus of history. This study uses Prof. Wright's book, Simply Jesus. In Simply Jesus, bestselling author and leading Bible scholar N.T. Wright summarizes 200 years of modern Biblical scholarship and models how Christians can best retell the story of Jesus today. In a style similar to C.S. Lewis’s popular works, Wright breaks down the barriers that prevent Christians from fully engaging with the story of Jesus.
Tuesday Tune-Up
Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm
This is a women's small group led by Anne Torgerson.
You can contact her for more information!
You can contact her for more information!
Prime timers
We are here to connect retired and semi-retired seniors and come together for support, fellowship, and fun. We are involved in many fun outings, adventures, and activities.
Schedule Through September 2024
Lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse April 26 at 11:30am
Lunch at Perkins Rushmore Rd. May 31 at 11:30am
Picnic in the park August 23 at 11:30am
Lunch at Old Chicago Pizza September 27 at 11:30am.
Contact Margot for more details: (605)343-1832
Schedule Through September 2024
Lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse April 26 at 11:30am
Lunch at Perkins Rushmore Rd. May 31 at 11:30am
Picnic in the park August 23 at 11:30am
Lunch at Old Chicago Pizza September 27 at 11:30am.
Contact Margot for more details: (605)343-1832
United Women IN Faith
United Women in Faith Mission Statement:
United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.
All ladies are invited to join for a focus on learning, service and worldwide missions.
Soul Care Saturday: April 20 from 9:00am to 1:00pm
For All Women
Expect: Opening and closing worship time
Fascinating study of the Lord's Prayer
Fellowship with women from our hills area
Delicious lunch- $10
Dates to Remember:
May 1- Leadership Team, 9:00am
May 2- Prayer Shawl Ministry, 1:30pm
May 3- May Friendship Day, check in with a friend
New to Leadership Team:
Beth Hunter Membership Nurture and Outreach Committee Chair
Trudy Wells Education and Interpretation/ Social Action Mission Coordinator
Rebecca Musegrave Spiritual Growth Mission Coordinator
Prayer shawl ministry
Crochet or knit prayer shawls and other items given to those going through crisis. Meets monthly.
Sign up for a small group
We'd love to get you connected to a small group in your area. Fill out the form below to get started.
Small groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!